Friday, May 30, 2008


im alone and dont know what to do...
for my whole life im living alone by myself...
dont want to talk, dont want to smile..
im not like this before, that im feeling alone and be alone..
my mind is always away, im thinking of nothing my head is empty..

im always alone when walking, when eating and right now im alone again..
i can refer my self as a blank matter, a rock, a zero and a black color...
cause my life is empty..
i dont even know my identity if who ever i am...
i dont hate myself nor the people around me...
i just like to be alone, if i want to talk i talk, if i want to smile i smile, im always like this....

im always asking myself if who really i am cause i really dont have an i idea..
i like to be alone cause i can think much better..
i dont have that so called true friends, whenever im in the crowd it feels like i dont belong in that society cause im alone again...
i just sit and i just stare to the people pass by or listen to thier conversation and thinks that they are not thier...

why i am feeling this way, im not like this before..
it just started when i turn 17 my other personality appeared..
im alone and loving the black side of me....
people would judge me as a weirdo but dont care what they say..
it just that one of my personality appeared...

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